Distribution of the material in the Backpack.
Distribution of the Backpack for Hiking
Hiking will be carried out in low and medium mountains, without exceeding 2.200 meters of altitude, on marked itineraries and in summer terrain.
Our backpack will be prepared for the day's journey. Things we will take into account:
-We must know what the ideal backpack will be for the activity we are going to do.
-How are we going to distribute the material considering the use we will make of it for the activity. We must also know the weight and fragility of the material that we will store in our backpack.
-Know how to carry the backpack correctly.

Types of Backpacks:
Weight distribution
The center of gravity of the load must be as close as possible to the back, centered in both height and width. That is, the backpack should be attached to the back and without more weight on one side than the other so as not to cause inertia when walking. If this is not achieved, it will appear that you are carrying more weight than you really are and muscle tension will increase, making your step more uncomfortable.
As a general rule, you should not carry more than 25% of your own weight during a long-distance route in average conditions. Only prepared people can exceed these percentages and on very easy routes.
Correct weight distribution is essential to be able to use the backpack with high loads during a route without suffering injuries or overloads. 80% of the weight of the backpack should fall on the hips and the rest on the shoulders.
No es recomendable colgar objetos en el exterior de la mochila ya que te pueden desequilibrar. Además, dificultan la marcha en pasos estrechos y se pueden perder con facilidad.
It is not advisable to hang objects on the outside of the backpack as they can unbalance you. In addition, they make walking in narrow passages difficult and can be easily lost.
Loading areas
1. Lid: Perfect area for small items with easy access such as a cell phone, GPS, compass, cap, etc. Never put heavy or bulky objects, such as a large bottle of water, which are very destabilizing and can hit you in the head.
2. Central body: It is the area with the greatest volume so a certain order must be taken when filling it. Lighter items, such as clothing, should occupy the bottom, sides and top. And the heaviest ones should be in the central part closest to the body. These heavy elements can be hard material, the tent, food cans, etc.
3. Compartimento inferior: La mayoría de mochilas de más de 40 litros tienen un bolsillo inferior. Esta zona es la ideal para elementos de poco peso y mucho volumen que ocuparían demasiado en el compartimento central como un saco de dormir, ropa sucia o unas zapatillas.
3. Lower compartment: Most backpacks larger than 40 liters have a lower pocket. This area is ideal for lightweight, high-volume items that would take up too much space in the central compartment, such as a sleeping bag, dirty clothes, or sneakers.
4. Exterior and mesh pockets: Designed for small items that you want to have on hand, for example raincoats or various accessories. As we said, it is important to keep approximately the same load on both sides of the backpack. As they are easy-access exterior pockets, you always have to be careful about possible theft or loss.
5. Map pocket: Many field backpacks have a pocket specially designed to carry various types of maps. They are also prepared for easy access without having to open the main compartment.
6. Sistema hidratación: Bolsillo interior que se encuentra separado y preparado para transportar bolsas de hidratación sin perjudicar con ello la comodidad de uso. El punto de salida del tubo de hidratación suele estar cerca de alguna de las asas de hombro.
6. Hydration system: Interior pocket that is separate and prepared to carry hydration bags without compromising the comfort of use. The exit point of the hydration tube is usually near one of the shoulder handles.
Fuente: https://www.babaik.es